Monday, February 20, 2012


So I had this whole long blog written about my latest struggles but I decided to scrap it because even I couldn't handle my own whining. I really wanted to start blogging again because there is a certain kind of therapy in writing down thoughts and sending them out there into the internet abyss. I'm still not sure what all I want to write about but I know I want to do something...

For this first post I decided to just do a few confessions about some things I've learned about myself over the last few very trying months. So... here goes!

1) I am a total control freak. I even wish I could control that about myself!
2) I have always believed that a person's true character is revealed during hard times and this belief has left me realizing that I have A LOT of work to do!
3) I am tooooo analytical. I think this ties into #1 a little.
4) I have learned who I can rely on and who I cannot.
5) I am going to put more time and effort into being the wife and mother I should be.
6) This is something I knew already but have experience FOR REAL now: Prayer works!
7) I am a little crazy and am prepared to accept that about myself! :)

Self-realization is a scary thing. Oh well, as a wise person once said, "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr.Suess

1 comment:

  1. I like your new blog! Good to hear about your life since neither of us believe in phones or have the time to catch up! I guess just knowing the other is there is enough. I miss you though, i could desperately use a best friend up here - can't clone you though.... Great blog! This is so me too: "1) I am a total control freak. I even wish I could control that about myself!". I think I'm gonna share that with my therapist - she'll love it!
